A basic collection of smooth animations to use within your page.


To apply this component, add any .uk-animation-* class to an element and it will fade in with a nice animation. These classes are commonly set by using JavaScript to apply the animation to specific behaviors.

Class Description
.uk-animation-fade The element fades in.
.uk-animation-scale-up The element scales up.
.uk-animation-scale-down The element scales down.
.uk-animation-slide-top The element slides in from the top.
.uk-animation-slide-bottom The element slides in from the bottom.
.uk-animation-slide-left The element slides in from the left.
.uk-animation-slide-right The element slides in from the right.
.uk-animation-shake The element shakes.
.uk-animation-scale The element scales down without fading in.


Click on any of the boxes to see the animation.

Scale up
Scale down
Slide top
Slide bottom
Slide left
Slide right